Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Scoop On Poop: Litter Box Training A Hedgehog

Okay, so litterbox training is obviously the least adorable part of living with a pet hedgehog, but here's the scoop on poop or at least what's worked for us so far.

For Poppy's cage, we chose a high-backed corner litter box designed for ferrets. It is just the right size and the front edge isn't too high so she can easily climb in and out. We line the litterbox with 2 layers of paper towels which seems to work out great because they are cheap and easy to lift out and replace each morning.

When we first brought Poppy home, we scooped up any feces we found in her cage and placed them in her litterbox. She quickly learned to use her box most of the time. Every once in a while we find a stray piece of poop, but the pee seems to be pretty well contained in the designated potty zone.

In an attempt to help teach our young hedgehog to use the litterbox and keep the rest of her cage clean, we waited a week or so before we added an exercise wheel to her new home. We had heard that active hedgehogs poop on-the-go and we wanted to establish a routine and see if it would stick before adding contraptions that are known for flinging feces. We'll keep you posted about that soon!

1 comment:

  1. I have already had my hedgie Aggie home for almost two weeks now. I am looking into litter box training him because I have to clean his wheel daily!!! Is it to late to remove his wheel and see about him coming up with a routine ? I am also looking into him a bigger cage, should I wait till I change him over to try training him? Thanks!
